A basic two-hour first aid course would equip you to deal with any of these incidents. 两小时的基础急救课程能够让你有能力处理这类事件。
There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment. 有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处理。
Also, have a manual such as Standard First Aid& Personal Safety. 同时,备一本《标准急救和个人安全手册》。
You need first aid. 你需要急救。
I would give him first aid and call for assistance. 我将对他进行基本的急救,然后呼救。
We can also prepare for an emergency by learning more about first aid. 通过学习更多的急救知识,我们可以紧急情况有备无患。
We need to learn about good health and basic first aid. 我们必须学习好的健康和基本的急救。
I jumped into the water immediately, took her to the bank and performed first aid on him. 我马上跳进水里,把他带到河边,并对他进行急救。
I really must learn the basics of first aid. 我真的必须要学急救的基本知识。
Okay, here we go. edwards, get her to first aid! 好了,我们来了,爱德华兹,把她送到急救室!
If I had known more about giving first aid, I could have helped them. 如果我对急救了解的多一些,我就能帮助他们了。
They immediately gave him first aid. 他们立即对他进行了急救。
Master: Provide first aid. I'll inform the authorities ashore and call a doctor and ambulance now. 船长:进行急救。我通知岸上有关部门并立即叫医生和救护车。
It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. 在日常生活中,学习一些急救知识,对一个人来说很重要。
She pulled the drowning man from the water and gave him first aid. 她把那个溺水的男子从水中拉上来,并给他施行了急救。
Many hospitals and schools offer training classes for people who are interested in learning first aid. 许多医院和学校为对急救知识感兴趣的人们提供培训。
It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved her life. 正是约翰的快捷的动作和急救知识救了她的命。
Local emergency medical responders and hospitals must be included in the first aid and medical training for the facility. 该设施的急救和医疗训练中必须包括当地的紧急医疗反应人员和医院。
They built a first aid post on the beach. 他们在海滩上建了一个急救站。
There is no doubt that the first aid skill I learnt in school saved his life. 毫无疑问,是我在学校的急救知识救了他的命。
If I know more about first aid, I could help them. 如果我多知道一点急救知识,我就能帮助他们了。
A witness dialed the number of first aid. 一位目击者立即拨了急救电话。
Talk about first aid and medicine. 谈一谈急救和医药。
He hurt his leg during the football match, and some of us gave him first aid. 他在足球比赛中弄伤了腿,我们几个人对他进行了急救。
A worker was badly injured in the workshop and his workmates gave him first aid. 一个工人在车间里受了重伤。他的工友们对他进行了急救。
Can I love first aid. 能否为我进行爱情急救。
First aid supplies should be reasonably available at the facility and dormitory. 在作业设施和宿舍范围内须有急救必需品以合理的方式提供。
A set of bandages and medicines for giving first aid. 用于急救的一套绷带和药品。
You should know how to do basic first aid. 你应该懂得如何实施基本的急救。
First aid skills is now an action menu for all the corpsman's proficiencies. 急救技能现在是海军义务兵技能熟练中的一个动作菜单。